
We have been handing down our know-how acquired over more than half a century of history for generations

Our strengths

Our experience gained over more than 60 years ensures that we can meet specific needs and provide successful solutions, guaranteeing the highest quality and safety.

Experience and Expertise

For more than 60 years, Cosmin has been operating in the domestic area and has been increasingly focusing on foreign markets. Our experience provides us with deep knowledge of the sector and its criticalities.

Care for our Customers

We strive to meet each specific need of our clients and to suggest the most effective solutions that result in cost and downtime optimization.


We guarantee the highest quality and reliability in executing our work by devoting the utmost care to carry out all activities safely and with respect for workers and the environment.

Company history


Engineer Roberto Liguori moves to Sardinia and, driven by the contingent industrial growth in the petrochemical sector on the island, founds Costruzioni Manutenzioni Industriali Spa (COS.M.IN. Spa). The company takes its first steps using specialized workers, mainly from Northern Italy, who then move to Sardinia, starting the production of small pressure equipment and specializing in the mechanical maintenance and industrial assembly branch.


The workshop expands to 6,000 square meters covered in an area covering as much as 26,000 square meters, and production is oriented toward the construction of complex and large equipment realized upon order. At the same time, a large lattice crane with a lifting capacity of 200 tons is purchased for large construction works, which becomes the symbol of Cosmin's consolidation in the local area. Furthermore, Cosmin, supported by its first 25 years of operation and thanks to the increasingly close cooperation with the Saras Spa refinery, develops its business in the field of revamping industrial plants.


Cosmin establishes, together with a group of small, highly specialized Sardinian companies, the Consorzio Cisa, which aims to provide its customers with greater operational flexibility to tackle large workloads for plant shutdowns or revamping. The satisfaction of the Consortium's clients decreed its success, which is still tangible today, and soon new companies join the group, improving the services offered and coming to involve more than 250 professional workers and 60 technicians and engineers, with a turnover that, in 2012, reaches 18 million euros.


Stefano and Simona Liguori join the company under their father's leadership, taking care of the technical design and administrative departments, respectively. Their involvement leads to an organizational modernization process, the introduction of updated working methods and machine tool automation, and the latest CAD-CAM technologies.


Cosmin's ambitions grow, and with them so did its production capacity. Upon further modernization of its plant, it becomes focused on and specialized in the manufacture of large equipment with the capacity to lift individual parts weighing up to 200 tons.


Backed by domestic experience and aware of the possibilities offered by globalization, Cosmin directs its production toward foreign markets and its products reaches 22 countries worldwide. Its commitment, both in financial and strategic terms, toward internationalization is still very strong, and further expansion into new markets is expected in the following years.


Cosmin is awarded its first ISO 9001 certification. This achievement, the result of a long series of company policies aimed at implementing quality in all production and organizational processes, is only the first of the results reached in the quality management area and is testimony to the company's commitment to strict and painstaking production standards.


After an initial period of organizational consolidation, Consorzio Cisa aims to grow by involving new companies specializing in complementary services to combine flexibility and excellence and guarantee greater reliability and expertise for its customers. According to this new strategic line, in 2005, Effegi of Milan, which specializes in high-pressure hydrodynamic washing, plant reclamation, and decommissioning, joins the group of companies.


The company's high professionalism and quality are also acknowledged and proven internationally, and Cosmin is obtains the U and S quality marks for pressure equipment by the ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers), certifying the high-quality standard of production and services performed by the company. The reputation built by Cosmin over more than 40 years is further consolidated in the new millennium thanks to several outstanding contracts. In 2006, the most critical industrial revamping carried out by Cosmin worth about €10.2 million is realized for the modernization of part of the T2V2 plant of the Saras Spa refinery in Sarroch (CA), accomplished in just 40 solar days. The same year, a massive 300-ton skid plant commissioned by Linde AG and destined for Canada is built.


The Consorzio CISA expands further by benefiting from the involvement of Soplant of Milan, which joins the Consorzio Cisa in 2012. This allows it to develop the ability to propose integrated solutions and turnkey packages from design to construction and maintenance of large industrial plants.


The Consorzio Cisa, headed by Cosmin, is awarded the first contract for the construction of a turnkey plant commissioned by Sasol Italy worth €2.5 million and lasting 7 months of work. The seamless integration of the technical skills involved in the project enables the Consortium to meet the client's needs within the agreed schedule amply.


Cosmin expands and strengthens its technical department, aiming to focus more on the provision of integrated engineering services, which results in the offer of turnkey packages including all phases: from the design to the study of the shutdown to the start-up of the realized plants. Moreover, the company strengthens its presence in foreign markets and pays more and more attention to the search for new international clients.

Production core

Consorzio CISA

Cisa logo

In 1989, Cosmin, with a group of qualified local businesses, creates the Consorzio Imprese Sarde Associate (CISA), aiming to gain more flexibility to cope with highly complex job orders. Thanks to the professionalism demonstrated in the field, Consorzio grows fast, both in terms of turnover and employees, until it employed more than 200 workers and reached a turnover of more than 18 million euros in 2012.

Over time, the need for greater flexibility is joined by the need for complementarity of services to ensure a more complete and higher quality bid, capable of competing in international markets.

At present, the Consorzio, counting 37 employees including engineers and specialized technicians and a workforce of about 180 workers, can offer EPC services in the Oil&Gas sector, design and build pressure equipment and industrial assemblies, provide maintenance and revamping of plants, as well as a wide range of specialized services critical to the success of complex works, such as reclamation or hydrodynamic washing. The companies located throughout the country, that now constitute the Consorzio are:

Cosmin logo

Cosmin Srl, specializing in mechanical construction and industrial maintenance

Soplant logo

Soplant Srl, specializing in engineering design operations

Effegi logo

Effegi Sistemi Idrodinamici Srl, specializing in high-pressure hydrodynamic washing, plant remediation and decommissioning

Notably, CISA differs in offering solutions aimed at reducing installation time and minimizing the critical issues usually associated with the construction of industrial plants according to traditional methods, first and foremost, the work coordination activity. These solutions involve constructing wired skids and providing turnkey packages, including all the design, construction, and installation services of the systems or part of them.

The Consorzio CISA has recently obtained the ISO 9001:2015 certificate  for its contract management system, with execution entrusted to its consortium members for the design, construction, installation, and maintenance of plants and equipment.

Click here to view the ISO 9001 certificate

Click here to view the quality policy


I lavori Cosmin nel mondo

Abbiamo progettato e realizzato lavori in buona parte del mondo – Canada, Messico, Argentina, Danimarca, Polonia, Francia, Italia, Germania, Svizzera, Croazia, Ungheria, Tunisia, Grecia, Egitto, Cipro, Arabia Saudita, Iran, Oman, India, Russia, Corea del Sud – e continuiamo ad investire per sviluppare nuovi rapporti commerciali con i mercati esteri.

La posizione strategica dello stabilimento di produzione, a soli 15 km dal porto commerciale di Cagliari, agevola inoltre la spedizione dei nostri manufatti verso tutte le destinazioni.